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Gourmet Grilled Cheese

Compostable Cups
Provided by Loopy Lupine

351 W. Roy Road
Wasilla, Alaska
(Ghost Kitchen. Pick Up Only.)
907-373-2253 (CAKE)
Special Valentine Hours
Feb. 13 &14 limited slot:
Walk Ins Welcome:
Thursday, February 13th: 6:15pm-7:30pm
Friday, February 14th: 6:15pm-7:30pm
Regular Hours:
Schedule a Pick up!
Call ahead, we make your cheesecake and make a plan for your pick up time.
Now by Appointment Only
Scheduled Pick Up closed
Feb 11-Feb 16
Pick ups need to be during special hours mentioned above.
Order ahead. Pick up or have it delivered thru third party.
Door Dash
This feature is turned on only a couple days a week. Keep an eye out! Baked goods and cheesecakes.

Fueling Alaskans for Alaska
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